Have no business experience.
Have zero social network and only 200 friends on facebook become a top 10 coach in a network of over 300,000?
I get asked this all of the time.
Truth is that there is nothing special about me.
I was just sick and tired of being away from my children and letting my career control my time + schedule.
I was scared of what was happening with the nursing ratios and did not feel like I was making the impact I once was.
I knew in my soul that in order for my health and the health of others to change that it had to start with preventative care instead of hospital care.
Proactive vs. reactive.
I had no clue that when I signed up as a coach that I would create a 5 figure weekly income.
That was never my goal.
I just wanted more for my family and was so tired of missing out on the events in their life... That I decided to do something about it.
My passion for the health of this country is what burned deep within my soul.
I was scared what others would think.
I still deal with daily rejection and people drinking the haterade.
But, my dreams are bigger then my fears and the what ifs.
I no longer care what people think or those that are not ready to join me.
I know it is not me but, they can't see the opportunity for themselves and I am perfectly okay with that.
Anyone can do this.
You just have to break up with your fears + self limiting behaviors and decide WHY NOT ME?
The truth is that this country needs you to be BRAVE.
The obesity epidemic and CANCER rates are at an all time high.
It is time to stop thinking of the what ifs and how to and just let your dreams control your destiny.
Ask yourself.... Why not me?
8 months into the business I retired from hospital nursing to dedicate my time to serving others through health promotion and disease prevention. I now run online health and fitness challenge groups that motivate other people to live a healthier lifestyle.
I have created entire curriculums that all of my coaches have access too so that they can educate and support others as well. I have a new coach training site to get you started and then a small group and 1:! calls available for the remainder of the training. Your role as a coach is to support and motivate others on their fitness journey and for you to be the example.
You do not have to have 6 pack abs to motivate and inspire.
But, you have to be committed to learning and living a healthier lifestyle.
People follow those that are changing.
It really means that you are real and are willing to share your journey with other people.Individuals connect with others that not perfect but, regular people that are just trying to be their best selfs. You may already have a following already.
I will teach you how we do this and you will run the first few groups with me.
Social media training is provided as well. I am going to teach you how to grow your market so that you can reach more people and be make a bigger impact in the lives of others. We are a top ten team in 2014 and currently a 2015 top 10 team as well. Most of my team is in healthcare and mothers and contribute this largely to our success. We are people that love to help people.
In 29 months, My family and I are debt free, home with our kids, and have created a life by design. We don't live our lives for the weekend. We travel 8-9x a year and have created a 5 figure weekly income. Crazy I know but, it is 100% true and all because we are serving other people and helping them improve their health and live a more positive lifestyle. My cup is filled daily and it reminds me such how much reward comes from helping others.

I didn't have business experience, training or the "know-how" before I got started... but I did have
-- I was Coachable, willing to show up and learn
-- I was ready & motivated to make changes and create freedom for my future family
-- I was Excited to help, support & encourage others
-- I was Serious about wanting to create more income
-- A DESIRE to DO MORE, BECOME MORE and EXPECT more of myself
This business isn't for the QUALIFIED… its for those who are COACHABLE and not looking for a “Get RICH Quick Scheme!”
It’s for the person who is willing to JUMP and build their wings on the way down!
Does this sound like something that you want to do?
If you are ready to change the trajectory of your life and have a servants heart then join me in a free 5 day group that will give you all of the answers on how you can get started on your own coaching journey + exactly what my team has to offer to let your dreams become your reality.
If you have been thinking of being a coach for awhile you can apply here for my 1:1 mentorship and training.
I will also be launching my next New Coach Training University on the 3rd of August with a new coach kick off call at 8:00 pm EST on Wednesday July 28th. Once you become a coach you will have access to the link for this call!
Then, to help you get started right you will have access to my New Coach University where I will teach you everything that I have done to be successful in this business. I will help you from re inventing the wheel. You will have access to all of my trainings, my documents, my guides, scripts, calls and more! I do a weekly team call, a smaller new coach call and 1:1 calls as needed. So there definitely is not a lack of support from our team and myself!
I am committed to my team and their success! I truly love being a coach and empowering people to know that they can accomplish anything that they put their mind to! If you believe it, then you can achieve it!!!!
I honestly built this business from my kitchen table before the kids woke up, during nap time and in the evenings after they went to bed at night! Its one of those businesses where you can set your own hours, you can determine your own success based on your level of effort and you have the potential to truly change the course of your future! But you will never know the possibilities unless you take that leap of faith! There is no better time than right now!