Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Tuesday, April 30, 2013 / No comments / benefits of shakeology , healthiest meal of the day , shakeology , Shakology shakeoff
Shakeology Shakeoff

So many of you know that I LOVE my SHAKEOLOGY ! I have a major addiction to chocolate and need my daily dose! I started looking into the ben...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Friday, April 26, 2013 / No comments / clean eating , clean eating recipes , clean side dishes , nutrition , zucchini fritters
Zucchini Fritters

Zucchini Fritters Ingredients: 2 cups shredded zucchini (about 2 medium zucchini) 3 eggs 1 Tbs coconut flour 1/2 tsp hima...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Monday, April 22, 2013 / No comments / April insanity promotion , beachbody workouts , Challenge groups , Insanity challenge packs , Insanity transformations , women insanity transformations
Women Insanity Transformations

I love high, intensity, sweat dripping workouts and Insanity brings all that and more wrapped up into 60 minutes of heart pumping, Burpee ac...
52 ways to use coconut oil

After years of hearing raves about Coconut Oil for everything under the sun. I did some research, started consuming it and using it everywhe...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Friday, April 12, 2013 / No comments / A fit nurse , clean eating snack ideas , clean lunch ideas , my food , Protein , snacks
Clean snack and lunch ideas that give you FUEL

Great pre-cardio snack..especially with some Energy & Endurance drink! This is my favorite HEALTHY bread - Cinnamon Raisin Ezekiel br...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Thursday, April 11, 2013 / 1 Comment / caffeine , diet drinks , exercise , fat loss , fidget , lose weight fast , metabolism boosters , sleep , Weight loss
8 metabolism boosters for fat loss

Your metabolism – more specifically, your metabolic rate – is how quickly your body is burning calories. So if you’re trying to lose weigh...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Wednesday, April 10, 2013 / No comments / clean appetizers , clean eating , goat cheese and spinach stuffed mushrooms
Goat Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms

Goat Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms 18 large mushrooms, wiped clean 1/4 cup vegetable broth 1/4 cup chopped shallots 1 tsp....
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Sunday, April 7, 2013 / No comments / Clean Chocolate Peanut butter fudge , Clean Desserts , simple desserts
Clean Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge

I have a slight obsession with Chocolate! Okay major weak in the knees, have to keep it out of the house kind of obsession! I like to ma...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Thursday, April 4, 2013 / No comments / Balsamic grilled veggies , clean eating , clean eating recipes , clean side dishes , vegetarian
Balsamic Grilled Veggies

This recipe is FABULOUS!!! Veggies are a staple in my house! I was never a veggie eater as a kid but, now I just can't seem to get enoug...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Wednesday, April 3, 2013 / No comments / cake batter energy bars , clean eating , clean eating recipes , healthy desserts , Protein
Cake Batter Energy Bars

1 cup rice crispies (brown or white, or certified gf) (30g) packed 1/2 cup oat flour (70g) (Or make your own by grinding rolled oats in the...
Lose Fat by Summer and Get Bikini Ready

Well here we are in April and in Pittsburgh, it is still in the 30's! BOO!! I am so ready for the warm sunshine, green grass, and flower...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Tuesday, April 2, 2013 / No comments / Different types of Protein powder , gaining lean muscle , Protein
Different Types of Protein Powder

Many of you have been asking about clean protein powders lately and are overwhelmed by all of the products on the shelves – which brand do...