Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Sunday, July 19, 2015 / 1 Comment / A fit nurse , cardio , daily workouts , exercise , exercises for improving mood , fitness , fitness goals , fitness routine , fun workout , gym , leg workout
New Approach to Treadmill Incline Workouts

Treadmill incline workouts are a great way to switch up your old routine at the gym! Walking or jogging on a treadmill incline causes l...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Tuesday, May 26, 2015 / No comments / abs , beachbody , bike , bikini body , cardio , cycling workout , diet , exercise , fitness , fun workout , health and fitness , leg workout , quick workout , workout
How to Master a Cycling Workout

A cycling workout is amazing in the summer! It’s a fabulous way to work your leg, butt, and back muscles. Plus, it’s a killer cardio wo...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Friday, May 15, 2015 / No comments / abs , beachbody , booty toning , exercise and fitness , exercises with resistance bands , fitness , leg workout , resistance band exercise , Summer , toning inner thighs , workout
Lower Body Exercises with Resistance Bands

Lower body exercises with resistance bands are the way to get those nice legs that look killer in a pair of heels or running around bar...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Tuesday, April 7, 2015 / No comments / 30 minute workouts , abs , beachbody , beachbody workout , daily workouts , exercise , exercise and fitness , fitness , leg workout , piyo , Summer , toning inner thighs , Yoga
8 Exercises For Toning Inner Thighs

Wondering how to look sexy in your skirts, dresses, and shorts this summer? The result of toning inner thighs during your workouts is inc...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Tuesday, January 13, 2015 / No comments / abs , Alyssa schomaker , booty toning , cardio , exercise , fitness , leg workout , swimsuit season , toning
Bum Toning Exercises To Lift and Tighten

So, maybe it’s that time of year where you don’t put on the swimsuit as often and you don’t pay as much attention to bum toning exercises...
Posted by Alyssa Schomaker / Tuesday, November 18, 2014 / No comments / heel pulls , heel raisers , leg lifts , leg workout , point flexers , seated leg lifts , squat jumps , squats , toe raisers
Quick Workouts: Great Leg Workouts

What’s better than great leg workouts? Only the feeling of knowing how great your legs look! I love how these exercises work my leg muscl...